Religious Education

"You can only educate according to what you also do yourself". This can be felt as a principle for the religious instruction and guidance of the young people.

The living example of the parents in the search and striving for the sources of Christian life is the essential foundation of religi- ous education and guidance of adolescent children.

Baptism opens a door to this and requires continuation and development in everyday life. Prayer and intercession of the pa- rents as well as the godparents help the child to experience the connection with the divine-spiritual world on earth and to draw strength from it.

Children's festivals within the congregation can supplement what is done in the family.

Until the age of 14 the Sunday Service for the children is accom- panied by religious instruction. It leads into the actual prepara- tion for the Sacrament of Confirmation, which is administered at this age.

After that the young person is religiously mature and can take part as a youth in the Service of the adults, the Act of Consecra- tion. Depending on the local conditions, the lessons are conti- nued or youth groups are formed.

• Brigitte Barz: „Beten mit Kindern“
• „Feiern der Jahresfeste mit den Kindern“
• Marta Heimeran: „Von der Religion des kleinen Kindes“ • Johannes Lenz: „Die Taufe“
• „Der Gottesdienst für die Kinder“
„Die Konfirmation“