Freely donated money has the greatest power to realise spiri- tual impulses.
In The Christian Community, the community budget is financed exclusively by free donations from its members and friends. They are subdivided into regular contributions and donations that are together with collections and donations on the occa- sion of sacraments received, make up the largest part of the required income.
No public funds are available.
The grants are used for the following tasks:
• Living expenses and pensions for pastors and employee • Means for the 'Cultus' (garments, substances etc.)
• Maintenance of church and parish rooms
• Religious education, child and youth work, conferences • Administration
In addition to its own congregation, The Christian Community in Switzerland and worldwide has the following task:
- Expenditure for the overall leadership of The Christian Community
- Priest training at the seminaries in Toronto, Hamburg, and Stuttgart
- Development of new communities
- Compensation for economically weaker communities
If The Christian Community receives testamentary decrees or bequests, they are preferably used for building projects. Loans are also gladly accepted.
No church tax is levied according to the principle of voluntari- ness and solidarity. The membership fee is self-evaluated taking into account the individual economic situation (as a guideline 1.5% to 2.5% of the taxable income can be considered).